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A primary mission of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs is to support faculty and staff research, scholarship, and creative activities.

  • ORSP provides funding and administrative support for internal, external and UW system grants and programs, professional development, and sabbatical leave projects.
  • ORSP promotes faculty and academic staff professional development by presenting and mentoring in the areas of grant writing, faculty-student research collaboration, and strategic planning for scholarly success.  
  • ORSP sponsors colloquia and celebrations to highlight faculty and academic staff research, scholarly activity, and grant-seeking.

糖心Vlog faculty/staff who鈥檇 like more information about our programs and services can visit .

In addition to disciplinary research and creative activity, faculty and academic staff can engage in Community-Based Research. Community-based research is a form of investigation that partners 糖心Vlog faculty, staff, and/or students with agencies or organizations in the community whose central mission is not research activity nor research funding. Generally at 糖心Vlog, community-based research seeks to benefit both the academic partner(s) and the community partner. Typically, the community partner hopes to inform its programming with the data and analysis of the community-based project. The academic partners also intend for the project to contribute new knowledge and to seek presentations and publications for the work.

Community-based research is a win for all involved.

  • The community's needs are addressed,
  • Faculty careers are enhanced by presentations and publications.
  • Students learn to do research and address community needs.

Internal Grants Programs

Student-Faculty Research Collaborative Grants

Grant Programs (See individual pages for additional grant details and exact deadlines)Proposal Submission Dates
Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (with faculty stipend)February 10
 (with faculty stipend)February 10
Student-Faculty Research Collaboration

July 15 (first call)

September 15 (second call)

Diversity Mentoring ProgramOpen

(with faculty course reassignment or summer stipend)

March 1

(with faculty course reassignment or summer stipend)

January 15

The second and third calls will be subject to availability of funds.

October 15

February 15

June 15 (if funds remain)

Research and Creativity Activity Support

Research and Scholarly/Creative Activity Support (See individual pages for additional details)Proposal Submission Dates
January 15
(to Chair or Equivalent)
March 1
August 10
(to ORSP)
September 10
(to Chair or equivalent)

Professional Development Programs

The Professional Development programs are designed to supplement existing professional development support provided by the various units, departments, schools, and colleges as well as those offered through the  and Learning and Technology Services (LTS).

Professional Development Programs (see individuals pages for additional details)Proposal Submission Dates
The first work day in June, September, November, February, and April                     
First working day of each month
(to Chair or Equivalent)
First working day of each month
(to Chair or Equivalent)
First working day of each month
(to Chair or Equivalent)

It is the responsibility of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs to process all extramural proposal submissions in accordance with federal, state, and University policies. If you plan to develop a grant proposal, please reach out early and often. We can help! 

For more information about ORSP's external grant services, visit .

Page Family

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

Schofield Hall 17
105 Garfield Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54701
United States