Once your request is received, Scheduling Services staff will review the request and approve or deny the room location. If approved you will receive an email confirmation. If your request is denied, you will receive an email letting you know why it was denied and instructions on how to revise your request.
25Live support documentation is available here:
Scheduling Notes
- Completing an Event Request does not confirm your reservation. Scheduling Services staff will review the request and send communications to you as soon as possible.
- It is advisable to plan ahead when requesting academic space as volume of requests or limited staffing may not allow for immediate response.
- We will not schedule anything outside of the published campus building hours. Please be sure that you are requesting a room/building that is open during your requested event.
- If you require building facility related services please submit a work request through Facilities.
- Send your questions to scheduling@uwec.edu. Scheduling Services staff will respond to you as soon as possible.