Our Mission
Building on a foundation of excellence, liberal education, and inclusivity, the College of Nursing fosters the transformation of individuals at the undergraduate and graduate levels into leaders in professional nursing practice, education, and scholarship. High-impact educational experiences, scholarship, and service to our communities enhance the personal and professional growth of students and faculty while promoting life-long learning.
Our Vision
The College of Nursing strives to be a leader for exemplary education in nursing. In doing so, we endeavor to transform the lives of our students, the practice of our profession, and the health of populations.
Our Values
- Excellence:*
- Education
- Practice
- Scholarship
- Leadership
- Experiential Learning
- Life-Long learning
- Diversity
- Eliminating Barriers to Participation*
- Health
- Integrity
- Civility
- Innovation*
- Quality of Life
- Social Responsibility:*
- Respect
- Positive Influence on Health
- Social Justice
- Accountability
- Sustainability
Note: Those values with an asterisk are held in common with the overall 糖心Vloge values.
Revised and approved 4/19/19