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Primary Nursing Track School of Nursing, University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI; December 1983 Academic Experience Vloge, Department of Nursing, Eau Claire, WI May 2020-May 2024 BSN Completion Program Director and Professor Simmons University, Nursing@Simmons Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Graduate Program Adjunct Teaching Faculty October 2017-June 2020 Admissions Faculty July 2019-June 2020 Vloge, Department of Nursing, Eau Claire, WI January 2009-May 2017 Professor, tenured University of Vermont, Department of Nursing, Burlington, VT August 1999-May 2006 Associate Professor, tenured Syracuse University, College of Nursing, Syracuse, NY August 1998-May 1999 Assistant Professor, tenure track position University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, School of Nursing, Milwaukee, WI August 1991-May 1996 Lecturer, instructional academic staff position Allen School of Nursing, Waterloo, IA January 1989-June 1991 Faculty, diploma program nursing faculty Professional License Registered Nurse State of Wisconsin: 2024-2026 Fellowships and Awards 2017 Womens Studies Feminist Lifetime of Distinguished Service Award, Vloge, March 30, 2017. 2016 University Excellence in Service Award, Vloge, August 23, 2016. Scholar-in-Residence, Helen C. Whiteley Center, University of Washington, Friday Harbor, June 13-17, 2015. 2015 Student Affairs Faculty Award of Distinction for Collaboration, Vloge, April 2, 2015. 2014 Womens Studies Faculty Scholarship Award, Vloge, March 26, 2014. Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity Fellow, Vloge, 2012-2015. Helen Glass Researcher in Residence, Manitoba Centre for Nursing & Health Research, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, April 4-8, 2011. Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Faculty Fellow, Vloge, 2010-2011. Scholar-in-Residence, Helen C. Whiteley Center, University of Washington, Friday Harbor, June 4-8, 2010. Lydia Dodge Award, The Womens Center, University of Vermont, April 27, 2006. Fellow, Center for Research in Vermont, College of Arts & Sciences, University of Vermont, Induction March 7, 2005. Emerging Nursing Star in Health Disparities Research Award, Howard University, College of Pharmacy, Nursing, and Allied Health Sciences, Division of Nursing, March 11, 2004. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Kappa Tau Chapter, Folta Deck Research Award, May, 2002. Higher Education Resource Services, Management Institute for Women in Higher Education and Administration, Wellesley College, 2001-2002. Faculty Fellowship for Service-Learning, University of Vermont, Center for Teaching and Learning, Spring 2000. Charles Eckburg Doctoral Dissertation Scholarship, University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Nursing, September 1997. Advanced Opportunity Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate School, 1996-1998. Dr. May Shiga Hornback Scholarship, University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Nursing, September 1996. Publications Invited Breslau, E. S., Ballard-Barbash, R.R., Nelson, D.E. & Canales, M.K. (2008). Letters to the Editor: Translation of the 2002 hormone study findings. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 34(5), 451. Canales, M.K. (2002). Guest editorial: Ancestry and ethnicity. Advances in Nursing Science, 25(2), ii. Canales, M.K. (2005). Book review: The guide to community prevention services: What works to promote health? Oncology Nursing Forum, 32(5), 1059. Canales, MK., Coffey, N., & Moore, E. (2015). Exploring health implications of disparities associated with food insecurity among low-income populations. Nursing Clinics of North America, 50(3), 465-481. DOI: HYPERLINK "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0029-6465(15)00037-7" http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0029-6465(15)00037-7 Drevdahl, D.J. & Canales, M.K. (2023). Nursings endless pursuit of professionalization. In M. Lipscomb (Ed.), Handbook of philosophy and nursing (Chapter 22). Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003427407-26 Drevdahl, D.J., Canales, M.K., & Kneipp, S.M. (2019). Guest editorial: Moving words, moving meaning: The discourse of population health. Journal of Professional Nursing, 35(2), 71-73. DOI: 10.1016/j.profnurs.2019.02.007 Drevdahl, D.J., Kniepp, S.M., Canales, M.K., & Dorcy, K.S. (2002). Response from the authors. Advances in Nursing Science, 25(1), vii-viii. Underwood, S., Canales, M., Powe, B.D., Jones, R.A., & Bradley, P.K. (2009). Nursing research: Cancer-related disparities. In J.M. Phillips & C.R. King (Eds.), Advancing Oncology Nursing Science (pp. 189-247). Oncology Nursing Society. Underwood, S., Powe, B., Canales, M.K., Mead, C.D., & Im, E. (2004). Cancer in U.S. ethnic/racial minority populations. In J.J. Fitzpatrick, A.M. Villarruel, & C. Porter (eds). Annual Review of Nursing Research, 22, 217-263. Villarruel, A., & Canales, M. (1997). Bridges and barriers: Educational mobility of Hispanic nurses. Washington, D.C.: Division of Nursing, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [Report]. Peer-Reviewed Alasagheirin, M., Canales, M.K., & Decker, E. (2023). Attitudes and perceptions toward COVID-19 virus and vaccines among a Somali population in Northern Wisconsin. Public Health Nursing, 1-13. HYPERLINK "http://doi.org/10.1111/phn.13258"http://doi.org/10.1111/phn.13258 Bowen, D.J., Weiner, D., Samos, M., & Canales, M.K. (2014). Exploration of New England Native American womens views on Human Papilloma virus (HPV), testing, and vaccination. Journal of Racial & Ethnic Health Disparities. doi:10.1007/s40615-014-0009-3 Bowers, B., Baker, C., Ryther-Clark, B., Norton, S., and Canales, M. (1999). Self and identity through an interactionist lens: Constructions and consequences. In H. Best & E. Seller (Eds.), International images of health: Perspectives, power and practice (pp. 66-77). Australia: Ballarat University College. Bowers, B., Esmond, S., & Canales, M. (1999). Approaches to care management supervision. Journal of Social Work Administration, 23(1): 29-49. Canales, M. (1994). Clinical education: A caring approach. Journal of Nursing Education, 33(9), 417-419. Canales, M. (1997). Narrative interaction: Creating a space for therapeutic communication. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 18, 477-494. Canales, M. (1998). Cultural allies: Creating allegiances across borders. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 13(1), 33-46. Canales, M.K. (2000). Othering: Towards an understanding of difference. Advances in Nursing Science, 22(4), 16-32. Canales, M.K. (2004). Taking care of self: Health care decisions of American Indian women. Health Care for Women International, 25(5), 411-435. Canales, M.K. (2004). Connecting to Nativeness: The influence of womens American Indian identity on their health-care decisions. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 36(4), 18-44. Canales, M.K. (2010) Othering: Difference understood? A 10-year analysis and critique of nursing literature. Advances in Nursing Science, 33(1), 15-34. Canales, M.K., & Bowers, B.J. (2001) Expanding conceptualizations of culturally competent care. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 36(2), 1-10. Canales, M.K. & Drevdahl, D.J. (2014). Community/Public health nursing: Is there a future for the specialty? Nursing Outlook, 62(6), 448-458 HYPERLINK "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.outlook.2014.06.007" . doi.org/10.1016/j.outlook.2014.06.007 Canales, M.K. & Drevdahl, D.J. (2014). Social justice: From educational mandate to transformative core value. In P.N. Kagan, M.C. Smith, & P.L. Chinn (eds.), Philosophies and practices of emancipatory nursing: Social justice as praxis. Taylor & Francis/Routledge (pp. 153-174). Canales, M.K. & Drevdahl, D.J. (2021). The white coat ceremony: A response to Mitchell and colleagues. Journal of Professional Nursing, 37(2), 477-478. Canales, M.K. & Drevdahl, D.J. (2022). A Sisyphean task: Developing and revising public health nursing competencies. Public Health Nursing, 39, 1078-1088. DOI: 10.1111/phn.13077 Canales, M.K., & French, H. (2003). Experiential learning as service for others. AORN Journal, 77(6), 1232-1239. Canales, M.K., & Geller, B.M. (2003). Surviving breast cancer: The role of complementary therapies. Family & Community Health Journal, 26(1), 1-17. Canales, M.K., & Geller, B.M. (2004). Moving in between mammography: Screening decisions of American Indian women in Vermont. Qualitative Health Research, 14(6), 836-857. Canales, M.K., & Rakowski, W. (2006). The development of a culturally-specific instrument for mammography screening: An example with American Indian women in VT. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 14(2), 99-115. Canales, M.K., & Wilkinson, L. (2002-03). Taking charge of self: Breast practices of older, rural women. Journal of Women & Aging, 14 (4), 165-188. Canales, M.K., Bowers, B., & Norton, S. (2000). Becoming part of a community: Teaching strategies of Latina nursing faculty. Nursing and Health Care Perspectives, 21(5), 228-233. Canales, M.K., Carr, J., & Wohlberg, J. (2005). Its about time: College womens perceptions of gynecologic health. The Journal of the AANP, 17(6), 225-233. Canales, M.K., Drevdahl, D.J., & Kneipp, S.M. (2018). Letter to the Editor: Public health nursing. Nursing Outlook, 66, 110-111. doi.org/10.1016/j.outlook.2018.02.007 Canales, M.K., Drevdahl, D.J., & Kneipp, S.M. (2020). RWJFs future of nursings campaign for action: A content analysis of social determinants of health activities. Nursing Forum, 1-9. DOI: 10.1111/nuf.12481. Canales, M.K., Rakowski, W. & Howard, A. (2007). Traditionality and cancer screening practices among American Indian women in Vermont (U.S.A.). Health Care for Women International, 28(2), 155-181. Canales, M.K., Weiner, D., & Spindler, T. (2010). Strength & courage: The development of a Native American cancer survivor archive. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 21(3), 815-822. Canales, M.K, Breslau, E.S., Nelson, D.E., & Ballard-Barbash, R.R. (2008). Did news reporters get it right? Translation of the 2002 hormone study findings. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 34(1), 61-68. Canales, M.K., Weiner, D., Samos, M. & Wampler, N.S. (2011). Multi-generational perspectives on health, cancer, and biomedicine: Northeastern Native American perspectives shaped by mistrust. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 22(3), 894-911. Coffey, N., Canales, M.K., Moore, E., Gullickson, M., & Kaczmarski, B. (2014). Putting a face on hunger: A community-academic research project. Journal of Extension (JOE),52(6), 6FEA2.  HYPERLINK "http://www.joe.org/joe/2014december/a2.php" http://www.joe.org/joe/2014december/a2.php Drevdahl, D.J. & Canales, M.K. (2017). Public health nurses graduate education decision making processes. Journal of Professional Nursing, 34, 300-307. doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2017.11.012 Drevdahl, D.J. & Canales, M.K. (2020). Being a real nurse: A secondary qualitative analysis of how public health nurses rework their work identities. Nursing Inquiry, 1-11. doi.org/10.1111/nin.12360 Drevdahl, D.J. & Canales, M.K. (2023). Letter to the editor. Journal of Professional Nursing, HYPERLINK "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2023.06.008"https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2023.06.008 Drevdahl, D.J. & Canales, M.K. (In Review). Understanding nursing backwards: The evolution of nursing as a profession. Journal of Nursing Education. Drevdahl, D.J., Canales, M.K., & Dorcy, K.S. (2008). Of goldfish tanks and moonlight tricks: Can cultural competency ameliorate health disparities? Advances in Nursing Science, 31(1), 13-27. Drevdahl, D.J., Kneipp, S.M., Canales, M.K., & Dorcy, K.S. (2001). Reinvesting in social justice through building social capital: A capital idea for public health nursing? Advances in Nursing Science, 24 (2), 19-31. Fahrenwald, N., Taylor, J.Y., Kneipp, S.M., & Canales, M.K. (2007). Academic freedom and duty to teach social justice: A perspective and pedagogy for public health nursing faculty. Public Health Nursing, 24(2), 190-197. Haas, J.S., Geller, B., Miglioretti, D.L., Buist, D.S., Nelson, D.E., Kerlikowske, K., Carney, P.A., Breslau, E.S., Dash, S., Canales, M.K., & Ballard-Barbash, R. (2006). Changes in newspaper coverage about hormone therapy with the release of new medical evidence. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 21(4), 304-9. DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-1497.2006.00342.x Jacob, J-D., Gagnon, M., Perron, A., & Canales, M.K. (2021). Revisiting the concept of othering: A structural analysis. Advances in Nursing Science, 44(4), 280-290. DOI: 10.1097/ANS.0000000000000353 Kneipp, S.M., Drevdahl, D.J., & Canales, M.K. (2022). Philanthropic foundations' discourse and nursing's future: Part I: History and agency. ANS, 46(2), 158-168 doi: 10.1097/ANS.0000000000000450  HYPERLINK "https://journals.lww.com/advancesinnursingscience/Abstract/9900/Philanthropic_Foundations__Discourse_and_Nursing_s.28.aspx" https://journals.lww.com/advancesinnursingscience/Abstract/9900/Philanthropic_Foundations__Discourse_and_Nursing_s.28.aspx Kneipp, S.M., Canales, M.K., & Drevdahl, D.J. (2022). Philanthropic foundations' discourse and nursing's future: Part II: A critical discourse analysis of RWJF Future of Nursing initiatives. ANS, 46(2), 169-187. doi: 10.1097/ANS.0000000000000451.  HYPERLINK "https://journals.lww.com/advancesinnursingscience/Abstract/9900/Philanthropic_Foundations__Discourse_and_Nursing_s.36.aspx" https://journals.lww.com/advancesinnursingscience/Abstract/9900/Philanthropic_Foundations__Discourse_and_Nursing_s.36.aspx Kneipp, S.M., Canales, M.K., Fahrenwald, N.L., & Taylor, J.Y. (2007). Academic freedom: Historical lessons, current controversy, and necessary protections to advance nursing science. Advances in Nursing Science, 30(1), 3-13. Kneipp, S.M., Schwartz, T.A., Drevdahl, D.J, Canales, M.K., Santacroce, S., Santos, H., & Anderson, R. (2018). Trends in health disparities, health inequity, and social determinants of health research: A 17-Year analysis of NINR, NCI, NHLBI, and NIMHD funding. Nursing Research, 67(3), 231-241. DOI: 10.1097/NNR.0000000000000278 McGuire, S.M. & Canales, M.K. (2010). Of migrants and metaphors: Disrupting discourses to welcome the stranger. Advances in Nursing Science, 33(2), 126-142. Murphy, N., & Canales, M.K. (2001). A critical analysis of compliance. Nursing Inquiry, 8 (3), 173-181. Murphy, N., Canales, M.K., Norton, S.A., & DeFillipis, J. (2005). Striving for congruence: The interconnection between values, practice, and political action. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 6(1), 20-29. Nye, C., Canales, M.K., & Somayaji, D. (2022). Exposing othering in nursing education praxis. Nursing Inquiry, 30(3), e12539. HYPERLINK "https://doi.org/10.1111/nin.12539"https://doi.org/10.1111/nin.12539. Powe, B.D., Underwood, S.M., Canales, M.K., & Finnie, R. (2005). Perceptions about breast cancer among college students: Implications for nursing education. Journal of Nursing Education, 44(6), 257-265. Scrubby, L., Canales, M.K., Ferguson, E., & Gregory, D. (2017). Promoting face to face dialogue for community engagement in a digital age. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 49(4), 170-177. Sowan, N.A., Moffat, S.G., & Canales, M.K. (2004). Creating a mentoring partnership model: A university-department of health experience. Family & Community Health, 27(4), 326-337. Underwood, S., Canales, M.K., Powe, B.D., Reifenstein, K., Swinney, J., & Bradley, P.K. (2005). Expanding and strengthening research focused on breast cancer in African American women: Building upon what is known. Journal of Chit Eta Phi Sorority, 51(1), 2-24. Underwood, S., Buseh, A., Canales, M.K, Powe, B., Dockery, B., Kather, T., Kent, N. (2004). Nursing contributions to the elimination of health disparities among African Americans: Review and critique of a decade of research (Part I). Journal of the National Black Nurses Association, 15(1),50-64. Underwood, S., Buseh, A., Canales, M.K., Powe, B., Dockery, B., Kather, T., Kent, N. (2005). Nursing contributions to the elimination of health disparities among African Americans: Review and critique of a decade of research (Part II). Journal of the National Black Nurses Association,16(1),31-47. Underwood, S., Buseh, A., Canales, M.K., Powe, B., Dockery, B., Kather, T., Kent, N. (2005). Nursing contributions to the elimination of health disparities among African Americans: Review and critique of a decade of research (Part III). Journal of the National Black Nurses Association, 16(2), 42-66. Villarruel, A., Canales, M.K., & Torres, S. (2001). Bridges and barriers: Educational mobility of Hispanic nurses. Journal of Nursing Education, 40(6), 1-8. Weiner, D., & Canales, M.K. (2014). It is Not Just Diabetes: Engaging ethnographic voices to develop culturally-appropriate health promotion efforts. American Indian Cultural Research Journal, 38(1), 78-100. Presentations Invited UW Health Family Residency Program, Eau Claire, WI, January 28, 2016. Food as medicine planning partnership: Prescribing healthy food- the medicine families need to thrive (Workshop; Co-presenter). American Multicultural Student Leadership Conference AMSLC, Vloge, Eau Claire, WI, April 24, 2015. Community hidden hunger: A community collaboration to address health disparities (Podium). Wisconsin Student Nurses Association 66th Annual Convention: Serving the Underserved, Wisconsin Dells, WI, February 7, 2015. Community hidden hunger: A community-academic partnership to explore food insecurity (Podium). Sigma Theta Tau Delta Phi Chapter Monthly Meeting, Sacred Heart Hospital, Eau Claire, WI, March 13, 2014. Community hidden hunger: Food insecurity research project (Podium). Eau Claire Area School District Professional Development Series, Memorial High School, Eau Claire, WI, December 2, 2013. Community hidden hunger: Food security focus group research project (Podium; Co-presenter). University of Wisconsin System Posters on the Rotunda, Madison, WI, April 17, 2013. The meaning of food insecurity in Eau Claire County (Poster). 14th International Critical and Feminist Perspectives in Nursing Conference: Disrupting Inequities in Health and Health Care. Vancouver, BC, September 27-30, 2007. Media and womens bodies: An example from the WHI hormone therapy study (Plenary podium). National Cancer Institute Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium Biannual Meeting, Chapel Hill, NC, April 21-23, 2006. Translating the evidence: HT media analysis of the WHI study (Podium). The Center for Research on Vermont, Research In-Progress Seminar, University of Vermont, April 9, 2002. Breast cancer survivors in Vermont: A qualitative study of their perspective of post-treatment primary care services (Podium; Co-presenter). National Cancer Institute Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium Biannual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, April 17-19, 2005. The accuracy of mammography self-report using a population-based registry: A study with American Indian women in Vermont (Podium). Fuld Leadership Lecture Series, University of Rochester School of Nursing, November 16, 2004. Connecting to Nativeness: Identity issues and health care decision-making (Podium) Vermont Breast Cancer Surveillance System Annual Radiologist Technicians Conference, Randolph, VT, September 29, 2004. Mammography screening decisions among American Indian women in Vermont (Podium). National Cancer Institute Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium Biannual Meeting, Lake Tahoe, CA, October 18-21, 2003. Moving in between mammography: Screening decisions of American Indian women in Vermont (Podium). New England Womens Conference, Burlington, VT, December 6, 2002. Creating a centralized university response model for addressing sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking (Podium; Co-presenter). The Center for Research on Vermont, Research In-Progress Seminar, University of Vermont, October 4, 2000. Taking charge of self: Breast health practices of rural Vermont women, 50 years and over (Podium; Co-presenter). Clinical Evaluation: Process and Problems. Sixth Annual Conference for Teachers of Nursing Practice, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Continuing Education in Nursing, January 21, 1994. Students at risk: identification, follow-up, and interventions (Podium). Peer-Reviewed American Public Health Association 150th Annual Meeting & Exposition, Boston, MA, November 5-9, 2022. 20 years after Reinvesting in Social Justice: How did we get from there to here? (Podium; first of 4-part symposium for Public Health Nursing Section). Midwest Nursing Research Society, Chicago, IL, April 1-3, 2022. Attitudes and perceptions toward COVID-19 vaccines among the Somali population in northern WI. (Podium; Co-presenter). American Public Health Association 147th Annual Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, November 3-6, 2019. Tenets and standards and essentials, oh my! Are competencies the road to social justice? (Podium; Co-presenter; Public Health Nursing Section). American Public Health Association 147th Annual Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, November 3-6, 2019. Population health adrift in the semantic sea: Implications for social justice. (Podium; Co-presenter; Socialist Caucus). American Public Health Association 146th Annual Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA, November 11-14, 2018. Where are the social determinants of health in the future of nursing? (Podium; Co-presenter; Public Health Nursing Section). American Public Health Association 145th Annual Meeting & Exposition, Atlanta, GA, November 5-8, 2017. Connecting health and food insecurity: A multi-clinic approach (Podium; Food & Nutrition Section). Association of Community Health Nurse Educators Annual Institute, Baltimore, MD, June 8-10, 2017. Public health nurses perceptions of graduate education: Report of findings (Podium; Co-presenter). American Public Health Association 144th Annual Meeting & Exposition, Denver, CO, October 30-November 2, 2016. More than ornaments on the tree: Balancing individual and population care in PHN practice (Poster; Co-presenter). American Public Health Association 144th Annual Meeting & Exposition, Denver, CO, October 30-November 2, 2016. Public Health Nursing: A Nurse Without a Future? A critical examination of The Future of Nursing reports (Podium; Co-presenter; Public Health Nursing Section). 2016 Feeding Wisconsin Statewide Hunger Summit, Wisconsin Rapids, WI, May 3-4, 2016. Hunger & health coalitions: Food as Medicine Partnership & HungerCare Coalition (Podium; Co-presenter). University of Wisconsin-Extension Northwest Regional Meeting, Eau Claire, WI, February 10-11, 2016. Food as medicine planning partnership: Prescribing healthy food- the medicine families need to thrive. (Workshop; Co-presenter). WI Local Food Network Summit 2016, Sheboygan, WI, January 14-15, 2016. Food as medicine planning partnership. (Podium; Co-presenter). American Public Health Association 143rd Annual Meeting & Exposition, Chicago, IL, October 31-November 4, 2015. What are public health nurses views on graduate education? (Roundtable). Western Institute of Nursing's 48th Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference: Equity and Access: Nursing Research, Education, and Practice. Albuquerque, NM, April 22-25, 2015. Public health nurses' perceptions of graduate education (Poster). 2014 eXtension Community, Local, & Regional Food Systems Food Security Conference: Building Extension Capacity to Address Community Food Security through Food Systems.Cleveland, OH, September 29-October 1, 2014. The meaning of food insecurity in Eau Claire County (Poster). 2014 Association of Community Health Nurse Educators (ACHNE) Annual Institute: Social Justice: Within and Beyond Our Borders, San Antonio, TX, June 5-7, 2014. Doing social justice -What can we learn from nursing beyond U.S. borders? (Podium; Co-presenter). 2013 Wisconsin Prevention Conference: Creating Community Health Together, Wisconsin Dells, WI, September 11-13, 2013. Community hidden hunger: Food security focus group research project (Podium; Co-presenter). Wisconsin Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Wisconsin Dells, WI, May 21-23, 2013. The meaning of food insecurity in Eau Claire County (Poster). University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 21st Annual Student Research Day, Eau Claire, WI, April 29-May 1, 2013. The meaning of food insecurity in Eau Claire County (Poster). 14th Midwest Value Added Agriculture Conference, La Crosse, WI, December 12-13, 2012. Creating local food infrastructure without recreating the wheel (Podium; Co-presenter). American Public Health Association 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 27-31, 2012. Shifting grounds: Effects of the DNP on graduate public health nursing education (Podium; Co-presenter; Public Health Nursing Section). American Public Health Association 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 27-31, 2012. Connecting the dots: Producers, buyers, and cooperative perspectives for integrating local food into large organizations (Podium; Food & Nutrition Section). University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 20th Annual Student Research Day, Eau Claire, WI, April 30-May 2, 2012. Connecting the dots: Integrating local food in Western Wisconsin (Poster). Tools for Teaching: Using Technology to Enhance Teaching 3rd Annual Conference. Eau Claire, WI. February 24, 2012. Plunging into the blog-osphere: Integrating structured blogs into undergraduate education (Podium; Co-presenter). International Institute for Qualitative Methodology's 2011 Qualitative Health Research Conference, Vancouver, BC, October 25-27, 2011. From data to action: Community-based cancer education for Native Americans in the Northeastern United States (Podium). Native Health Research Network 28th Annual Conference, Buffalo, NY, June 28-29, 2011. Community based wellness education: From research, to strategy, to education circle sessions (Podium; Co-presenter). American Public Health Association 138th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, November 6-10, 2010. Taking a look at ourselves: A theoretical shift for engaging with the Other (Podium; Public Health Nursing Section) American Public Health Association 138th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, November 6-10, 2010. Cancer information seeking among Northeastern Native Americans (Podium; Cancer Section) Harvard University Minority Research Day, Cambridge, MA, April 29, 2010. Taking it to the reservation and to town: Engaging Native communities to create sustainable change for health (Poster). American Public Health Association 137th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 7-11, 2009. Community-based cancer education and survivorship support for Native Americans in CT (Poster). Midwest Nursing Research Society 33rd Annual MNRS Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN, March 27-30, 2009. Community-based participatory research: How to meet the social justice mandate? (Podium). Oncology Nursing Society 10th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Orlando, FL, February 13-15, 2009. Intergenerational mistrust and the cancer experience of Connecticut Native Americans (Podium). American Public Health Association 136th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 26-29, 2008. Public health nursing and undocumented immigrant populations: Reinforcing illegal borders (Podium; Co-presenter; Public Health Nursing Section). 14th International Critical and Feminist Perspectives in Nursing Conference: Disrupting Inequities in Health and Health Care. Vancouver, BC, September 27-30, 2007. Cultural competency, moonlight tricks, fixities, and other conflicts (Plenary podium session; Co-presenter). Spirit of Eagles 7th National Changing Patterns of Cancer in Native Communities: The Power of Partnerships; Minneapolis, MN, September 5-8, 2007. Families Together: Partnerships instrumental in developing Northeastern Native American cancer education programs (Poster). New England Regional Minority Health Conference: Eliminating racial and ethnic health disparities by 2010- Moral and economic imperatives, Mashantucket, CT April 2-4, 2007. Families Together: Developing Northeastern Native American culturally competent collaborative cancer education programs (Podium; Co-presenter). Department of Justice CALCASA Institute, Philadelphia, PA, October 26-27, 2005. Got data? Now What? Making meaning out of your data (Podium; Co-presenter). Oncology Nursing Society 8th Annual Research Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, February 3-6, 2005. Expanding the Stages of Change Transtheoretical Model through qualitative inquiry: Mammography screening and American Indian women (Podium). Spirit of Eagles 6th National Changing Patterns of Cancer in Native Communities, Phoenix, AZ, September 9-12, 2004. Expanding the Transtheoretical Stages of Change Model through qualitative inquiry: An example from Vermont (Poster). American Public Health Association 133rd Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, December 10-14, 2005. Instilling social justice as a core nursing value in the midst of controversy over academic freedom (Podium; Co-presenter). American Public Health Association 131st Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 16-19, 2003. Justifying public health nursing interventions: Issues for populations on the margins (Podium; Co-presenter; Public Health Nursing Section). American Public Health Association 130th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 9-13, 2002. Mentoring partnership: Response to Bureau of Health Profession's call to improve PHN practice experiences for baccalaureate nursing students (Podium; Co-presenter; Public Health Nursing Section). Twelfth Annual International Critical and Feminist Perspectives in Nursing Conference. Portland, ME. November 8-10, 2002. Values, policies, and political action (Podium; Co-presenter) Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Advancing Nursing Practice Excellence: State of the Science, September 25-28, 2002. Its About Time: College-age womens perceptions of breast and gynecologic health. Washington, D.C. (Podium; Co-presenter). Department of Justice CALCASA Institute, Baton Rouge, LA, January 30-31, 2002. Pluralistic voices: Creating community through connection and commitment to multiculturalism (Podium; Co-presenter) Eastern Nursing Research Society 13th Annual Scientific Session, Atlantic City, NJ, April 1-3, 2001. Taking charge of self: Breast health practices of rural Vermont women, 50 years and over (Podium; Co-presenter). American Public Health Association 128th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Boston, MA, November 12-16, 2000. Symposium: Re-examining the links between social justice and public health nursing (Podium; Co-presenter; Public Health Nursing Section). Eleventh Annual International Critical and Feminist Perspectives in Nursing Conference. San Diego, CA, October 27-29, 2000. Taking charge of self: Breast health practices of rural Vermont women, 50 years and over (Podium; Co-presenter). Tenth Annual International Critical and Feminist Perspectives in Nursing Conference. Williamsburg, VA, October 15-17, 1999. Key Note: Othering: Towards an understanding of difference (Podium). Chicago Institute for Nursing Education, Nursing education in the 21st century: Creating new pedagogies for nursing, Second Annual Institute. Chicago, IL, July 20-23, 1999. Changing perceptions of the Other: Teaching practices of doctorally-prepared Latina nursing faculty (Podium) Eastern Nursing Research Society 11th Annual Scientific Session, New York, NY, April 9-11, 1999. Outsiders within: Identity issues for researchers of color (Podium). Wisconsin Nurses Association Annual Convention, Madison, WI, October 24-25, 1997. Cultural teaching from the perspective of Latina Ph.D. faculty (Poster). Eighth Annual International Critical and Feminist Perspectives in Nursing Conference, Whistler, British Columbia, June 12-15, 1997. Key Note: Cultural allies: Creating allegiances across borders (Podium). Seventh Annual International Critical and Feminist Perspectives in Nursing Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, October 1996. Key Note: A cultural reconstruction of dependency (Podium). International Images of Health: Philosophical and Political Dimensions, University of Ballarat, Ballarat, Australia, February 4-7, 1996. Symposium: Exploring dependency: Ethical and political consequences for chronically ill persons (Podium; Co-presenter) Research Independent Experiences Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation, Mashantucket, CT August 2006-December 2008 Nurse Researcher (50% effort). National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD October 1, 2006-September 31, 2008 Nurse Researcher Partnership grant between the New England Cancer Information Service and the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation (35% effort). Lance Armstrong Foundation, Plano, TX September 1, 2006-August 31, 2008 Nurse Researcher Community Partnership grant: Families Together: The Connecticut Native American Intergenerational Cancer Education Program for survivors, their families and the tribal communities of CT (10% effort). National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD May 1, 2004-September 30, 2004 Co-analyst Hormone replacement therapy and the media: a qualitative analysis of newspaper reports. Consultant American Cancer Society R. Gramling, PI, University of Rochester, Medical Center, Rochester, NY. January 1, 2014-December 31, 2018 Palliative care consultation and advanced cancer Canadian Institutes of Health Research L. Scrubby, PI, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, CA January 1, 2012-December 31, 2012 Planning grant: Improving access to community health services in the inner-city through collaboration and research Spirit of Eagles, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN D. Weiner, PI September 1, 2011-June 30, 2012 Community grant award: Digital storytelling with CT Native Americans CT Affiliate for Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Hartford, CT D. Weiner, PI June 2011-August 2012 Community grant award: Cancer education for CT Native Americans CT Affiliate for Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Hartford, CT D. Weiner, PI May 2010-April 2011 Community grant award: Cancer education for CT Native Americans Spirit of Eagles, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN M. Samos, PI August 1, 2009-December 31, 2009 Community grant award: Cancer education for CT Native Americans Spirit of Eagles, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN M. Samos, PI November 2005-January 2006 Pilot grant award: Native Americans and cancer education. U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service and Vermont Department of Health October-December, 2000 Vermont Fit WIC Activity Project Past Grant Activities Vloge Wisconsin Partnership Program (WPP). (June 2014-May 2016). Changing views of hunger: One community at a time. School of Medicine & Public Health, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Community-academic partnership fund development grant. ($50,000; 10% effort). Canales, M.K. & Kaczmarski, B. (November 1, 2012-May 31, 2013). Food insecurity in Eau Claire County. Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Faculty-Student Research Grant, Vloge ($1,905.00). Canales, M.K. & Lynch, M.A. (July 1, 2012-December 31, 2012). Food insecurity in Eau Claire County. Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates, Vloge ($4,280.00). Canales, M.K. (July 1. 2011-May 31, 2012). Institutional-supported agriculture in the Chippewa Valley: An ethnographic exploration. Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, University Research and Creative Activity Award, Vloge ($4,250.00). State and National Drevdahl, D. & Canales, M.K. (June 2014-May 2015). Public health nurses perceptions of graduate education. Association of Community Health Nurse Educators ($2,550.00; in-kind effort). Moch, S.D. & Canales, M.K. (January 2-June 30, 2010). Public health emergency preparedness grant. Western Regional Office of the Division of Public Health, State of Wisconsin ($4,5000.00; in-kind effort). Canales, M.K. (October 1, 2005-May 30, 2006). A qualitative analysis of print media published after the release of the WHI study. National Cancer Institute (263-MQ-515954) ($25,000.00) (20% funded time; PI). Rolley, L., & Canales, M.K. (October 1, 2004-September 30, 2006). Grants to Reduce Violent Crimes Against Women on Campus Program. Department of Justice, Office of Violence Against Women, U.S. Government (2004-X1368-VT-WA) ($240,027.00) (20% funded time: Research Associate). Rolley, L., & Canales, M.K. (October 1, 2002-September 30, 2004). Grants to Reduce Violent Crimes Against Women on Campus Program. Department of Justice, Violence Against Women Office, U.S. Government (2002-X1856-VT-WA) ($300,000.00) (25% funded time: Evaluator). Canales, M.K. (May 1, 2002-July 31, 2005). Mammography screening practices of American Indian women. National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute (3U01CA070013-09S1) ($327,971.00) (50% funded time: PI). Rolley, L., King, M., & Canales, M. (October 1, 2000-September 30, 2002). Comprehensive Advocacy and Education Project on Violence Against Women at UVM. Department of Justice, Violence Against Women Office, U.S. Government (2000-WA-VX-0009) ($294,324.00) (20% funded time: Evaluator). Canales, M., & Umanzor, M. (September 14, 2000). Salud A Segurada/Safer Health: AIDS Resources, Community Health and Educational Services (ARCHES) Project. Vermont Department of Health, Office of Minority Health ($15,000.00; in-kind effort). Sowan, N., Moffatt, S.G., & Canales, M. (November 17, 1999). A Partnership Model: University/Agency Collaboration. Health Resources and Services Administration, Department of Health and Human Services (1-D11-HP-00068-01) ($25,000.00; in-kind effort). University of Vermont Canales, M., & Cohen, J. (December, 2004). Planning and implementation grants for Service-Learning, Community-University Partnerships and Service Learning, University of Vermont ($750.00; in-kind effort). Canales, M. (August, 2001). Planning and implementation grants for Service-Learning, The Committee on Community Engagement, Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Vermont ($1,000.00). Canales, M., & Carr, J. (October, 2000). College age women's definition of and decisions about breast and gynecologic health. School of Nursing, Research Incentive Grant, University of Vermont ($33,479.00; in-kind effort). Geller, B., OBrien, P., & Canales, M. (May 1, 2000). Breast cancer survivors in Vermont: A qualitative study of their perspective of post treatment primary care services. Patient Oriented Research Office, Fletcher Allen Health Center ($15,000.00; in-kind effort). SUGR/FAME Research Project (November, 1999). Faculty/undergraduate mentored project; Older rural Vermont womens perspectives of breast health. Office of Sponsored Programs, University of Vermont ($4,900.00; summer stipend). Service Academic Service Vloge (2020-2024) University Graduate Council, member 2021-2024 Honors Council, member 2020-2024 Office of Research & Sponsored Programs-URCA Sabbatical 2020-2023 Review Committee, Member University Planning Committee 2023-2024 College of Nursing and Health Sciences Moore Nursing Professorship, Chair, Search & Screen Committee 2021 Department of Nursing Department Personnel Committee; Secretary 2020-2024 Faculty Search & Screen Committee 2021-2024 Administrative Program Assistant Search Committee 2021 Professional Service Editorial Review Boards (manuscript review) Advances in Nursing Science (ANS) Manuscript reviewer 1999-present Mentor, Peer Review Mentoring Program 2019-2021 Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2010-present Journal of Professional Nursing 2019-present Nursing Inquiry 2018-present Current Professional Memberships: Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments (member) 2019-present American Public Health Association (member) 2000-present Public Health Nursing Section; Chair, Archives committee 2022-present Food & Nutrition Section 2015-present Volunteer Activities Professional Advances in Nursing Science Advisory Board; Member 2003-present Advances in Nursing Science Anti-racism publishing group 2020-2022 Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College Nursing 2021-present Program Advisory Board; Member McIntyre Library Advisory Board, Community Member 2022-present Clinton County Tobacco Use Reduction Taskforce; Member 2018-2020 League of Women Voters-North Country; Board member 2018-2020      PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 16 PAGE 11 ./9;=>ABCDEno  O h + , - K t  ļzzhn5CJaJ h CJ hW C5CJh\"hW C5CJaJh\"5CJaJh 5CJaJ h CJhZ&NCJaJh CJaJhb5CJaJ h!CJh9V]hn0JCJjhnCJU hnCJ h5LCJ hRCJ hW CCJ./D m ,p@ P !$1$gd   HP !$gdZ&N HP !$gd$  HP !$a$gdn$  HP !$a$gdC$  HP !$1$a$gdC  O h , - K t j ,p@ P !$1$ ,p@ P !$1$^ ,p@ P !$` ,p@ P !$1$` ,p@ P !$1$^  [ pR ,p@ P !$1$gd  ,p@ P !$1$ !$1$^` ,p@ P !$1$` ,p@ P !$1$^ ,p@ P !$1$`   [ d l m     ' ( : < = > R S T   ÷æ÷æà~xrx hwCJ hW CCJ h8ACJhh>*CJ hpSCJ hnCJ hCJ hZ&NCJh1M9CJaJhZ&N>*CJaJhu"hZ&N>*CJaJhZ&NCJaJh CJaJhh >*CJ h >*CJ h CJhwhW C5CJaJhw5CJaJ)[ m  ' = R T y ,p@ P !$1$gdw HP !$gd1M9 HP !$gdZ&N HP !$^gd{Y! ,p@ P !$1$^gd    < = v w `0!$01$^`0gdw ,p@ P !$ ,p@ P !$gdw ,p@ P !$1$gdw ,p@ P !$1$^   2 < = v w   !/GHst구|hn5CJaJh&CJ\aJh!h!CJ\aJh!CJ\aJh!5CJaJh5CJaJh1M95CJaJ hKCJ hpSCJ h{YCJ hGCJ h6ICJh!hW C hwCJ hW CCJ hW C>*CJhwhwCJ0GHs^_ ,p@ P !$8^8gdn ,p@ P !$gdn ) p@ P !$gdw ,p@ P !$gdwHQST\^_t|;<=e'()HKLH]^opklst~H׼缳窪硪ה hnCJ\ hpSCJh^>ihnCJhQ!hnCJh)hnCJh,hnCJhxhnCJhKhnCJ hn5CJh}IhnCJ hnCJ hR*;CJh\"hn5CJaJ:_<=()KL ) p@ P !$gdn ,p@ P !$^gdn ,p@ P !$8^8gdn ,p@ P !$gdnopklST ,p@ P !$`gdn ,p@ P !$1$gdn! ,p@ P !$1$`gdn ,p@ P !$gdnHST()01:HUWYbc!$¸²tnhn]UhTCJaJhThTCJaJ hAmCJ hTCJhn6CJPJaJhnCJPJaJhnCJmH sH hn6CJ]mH sH hWnhnCJhn6CJ] hnCJh8h86CJ h8CJ hn5aJhnhn5aJhW C5CJaJhnhn5CJaJ hP&CJ hpSCJ hnCJ )1bc67uuk 8gd 8F gdT 2Zv8 xHX (#$@gdn /8 xHX (#$gdn 50Hhp@ P !$1$! ,p@ P !$1$`gdn 4567CEHʵxpjdjj[OIOjI hACJhh6CJ]hA6CJ] h>jCJ hCJhCJaJhTCJaJ5hAmhAm0J>*B*CJaJfHphq hAmhAmCJaJjhAmhAmCJUaJ)hAmhAm0J CJaJfHq %hAmhAmCJaJfHq hABCJaJhAmCJaJhAm6CJaJhT6CJaJ "%&-<H[jk  ¹ܧxoxohU6CJaJh+mhU6CJaJhjhUCJaJhUCJaJ hn5aJhn6CJ] hnCJhrzhCJ]aJhMShrzCJhqhrzCJ hrz6CJh:hrz6CJ h>jCJhYhrzCJ hrzCJ hCJhhCJ+jkYZ<iiJ /h8 xHX (#$1$gdU 2hv8 xHX (#$1$gdU 50Hhp@ P !$1$ /h8 xHX (#$1$gdn 88^8gd /8 xHX (#$1$gdrz 8gd '(./YZ 19<=Hc12F ⻻⥛zqgg\hP,h)M0JCJjh)MCJUh)M6CJ]h)Mh)M6CJ]h)Mh)MCJ htECJ h)MCJhnhn5aJ hn5aJ hUCJhU6CJ]hUCJmH sH hUCJ]aJhU6CJ]aJhUCJ\aJhUCJaJhU6CJaJh+mhU6CJaJ$<=! 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