Step 1
Log into your account. You may have received an email from Blugold Central letting you know you have an outstanding balance (you won’t get a paper bill - we only send bills via email).
Step 2
Click the “Financial Account" tile on the CampS student homepage. Then click the "View my Bills" navigation menu option.
Step 3
View the “Amount Billed” on the screen and prepare a check, money order, traveler's check, or bank draft for the amount you want to pay. Checks and money orders should be made payable to UW-Eau Claire.
Step 4
Include your student name, Blugold ID number, and the term for which you are paying. Mail payment to PO Box 5000, Eau Claire, WI 54702-5000. You won’t be sent a receipt for your payment, but you can see the payment in your CampS account after it’s been received and processed.